Edward Hopper Painting Reproductions

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Edward Hopper Art

Edward Hopper replica painting HOP0019
Edward Hopper replica painting HOP0019

Edward Hopper replica painting HOP0020
Edward Hopper replica painting HOP0020

Edward Hopper replica painting HOP0021
Edward Hopper replica painting HOP0021

Edward Hopper replica painting HOP0022
Edward Hopper replica painting HOP0022

Edward Hopper replica painting HOP0023
Edward Hopper replica painting HOP0023

Edward Hopper replica painting HOP0024
Edward Hopper replica painting HOP0024

Edward Hopper replica painting HOP0025
Edward Hopper replica painting HOP0025

Edward Hopper replica painting HOP0026
Edward Hopper replica painting HOP0026

Edward Hopper replica painting HOP0027
Edward Hopper replica painting HOP0027

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Edward Hopper Biography

Edward Hopper
(1882 -1967)

Edward Hopper's authentic portrayals of the American landscape have become icons of American culture ,Born along the lower Hudson River in Nyack ,New York ,Hopper dreamed of becoming a naval architect , His lifelong fascination with sailing and the sea provided a subject to which Hopper consistently returned throughout his career as a painter.

As a student of Robert Henri, founder of the renowned Ash Can School. Henri's social realism greatly influenced Hopper's work. His early work shows his love of architecture as a vehicle for expressing shadow. light and color.

In 1921 Hopper's oil paintings caught the attention of leading critics and dealers. He swiftly rose to the status of America's foremost Realist. and he once described his word as "an art based on the American scene". His evocative canvases confront the viewer with images of isolation and alienation that echoed his own introspection. Nighthawks, one of Hopper's best known works, is an American classic. A retrospective exhibition of Hopper's work appeared at the Whitney Museum of American Art in 1995.

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